Diplomacy as a Foreign Policy Instrument and the Safavid Civilizational Process

Volume 51, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 434-409


Mohammad Ali Chelongar; Zahra Sadat Keshavarz

Control of Order in Complex Regional Networks: Iran and West Asia

Volume 52, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 482-453


Farhad Ghasemi; ُSeyede bentolhoda Hashemi

Common interests and common aversions between China and Iran

Volume 50, Issue 2, September 2020, Pages 483-501


Mohammad Reza Takhshid; Rui Li

Shantal Mouffe and the Logic of The Political

Volume 51, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 485-461


َAhmad Khaleghi; Mostafa Ensafi

Factors Influencing and Reproducing Income Inequality: A Case Study of India

Volume 52, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 503-483


Fardin Ghoreishi; Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi

The U.S. Reinterpretation of the Use of Force under Hegemonic International Law

Volume 51, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 512-487


Mehdi Zakerian; Manizheh Eskandari Zanjani